Bugs found by Pynguin
As a test-generation tool it is one of the goals of Pynguin to also expose bugs in existing projects. The following collection is of course not complete, feel free to point Stephan to all the bugs that you’ve found, reported, and (hopefully) fixed using the Pynguin test-generation framework.
- scipy: BUG: Double free or corruption when passing invalid arguments to some functions in the scipy.cluster.hierarchy module reported in scipy#21011
- scipy: BUG: Segmentation fault when passing invalid arguments to some functions in the scipy.linalg.interpolative module reported in scipy#21010
- scipy: BUG: Floating point exception when passing the invalid argument None to the function scipy.ndimage.binary_propagation reported in scipy#21009
- numpy: BUG: Segmentation fault when doing a “Bitwise OR” on a np.longdouble with a None value reported in numpy#26767
- pandas: BUG: Pandas does not validate some parameters properly when reading CSVs and it causes segmentation faults reported in pandas#59059
- mimesis: Avoid infinite loop in Datetime.bulk_create_datetimes by checking for positive timedelta fixed in mimesis#1229